Calculate price / New shipment

What is the difference in the system?

⏱ 1 minute reading time

Calculate price

You use the “Calculate Price” function when you want to know the price of a shipment quickly.

Note that you can not change information that affects the price in later steps when you go through Calculate price (zip code, country and city).

  • You fill in the postcode and goods
  • You get a price
  • You click Finish Shipment information
  • You can not change postal code or goods as these are the parameters the price you received was based on.

This feature is best when you are not sure what to send but want to quickly check what it would cost.

New shipment

However, when you search for a price from New shipment, you can both use the address book and also change the information in the shipment as needed.

You can edit the information in the search in each step and get a new shipping solution between times.

This feature is best when you have all the information and know you are booking.

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